When we last interviewed Zach Pyne he was pretty much starting his career in recruitment, and boy how things have changed for that Trainee & the business.

Nearly 5 years on, we thought it would be great to sit down with Zach to talk about his recruitment career and how things have changed at Syntech.

Tell me 3 things that have changed for you since we spoke last?

A brand new car! Still an Audi man but moved from my lovely A3 to my whippy TT.

My role within Syntech has grown and changed massively since the last time we spoke, now running a team of associates and managing our two biggest clients – being the one to ensure delivery across all of their roles.

I took up a new sport in the last 4 years- I am now a keen Futsal player for my local team Rushmoor Futsal.

What’s your biggest achievement at Syntech?

It is hard to put just one achievement down here, however I think breaking the monthly billing record (which now in itself has been broken again!!) is definitely up there.

You were a chef before you joined Syntech, what has made you successful in recruitment?

For me its been an obsession from the get go. Always looking out for my clients and candidates, sacrificing my own down time to ensure delivery for everyone involved. Its not a career for me, it’s a real lifestyle choice!

What have been the main challenges over the past 5 years?

Covid was a hard time for everyone, the adaptation of working from home for the first time and not having the social side that you get with an office environment – but we came out the other side better for the hardship we went through.

Describe recruitment in 3 words?

Nonstop, Exhilarating, Passion

What are 3 traits of a bad recruiter?

You cannot be lazy in recruitment, you will get found out straight away and the competition will out run you. You have to be honest in recruitment, people will see right through you if you try to live your career in dishonesty.

Lastly, you have to live by a no excuse rule – recruiters who can always find an excuse for everything are not the ones for me!

Worst excuse a candidate has given you when not showing up for an interview?

I once had a candidate tell me that they could not make the interview last minute because they could not get into the companies gates – turns out they had gone to the complete wrong company and they would not let them in!!

You have been with Syntech a while now, what do you enjoy most?

Even 4 and a half years into working at Syntech, the buzz of a deal has never left me. I am always on the look-out for my next placement and securing top tier candidates their next role. It has also been great in the last year to see my team develop and to celebrate their success of the back of that development, it has been a real joy.

What advice would you give to someone looking to get into recruitment?

Come in with your eyes wide open and be prepared to face the ups and downs of the day to day. Get through your first year – you can do this for life.

What’s your next career move?

Who knows! Right know I am enjoying my role as Team Leader and wanting to hone my leadership skills over the next couple years.

And just for fun…..

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A Pilot! To bad I am rubbish at maths and my eye sight is terrible…

What would be your ‘Death Row’ meal?

Beautifully cooked Beef Rib-eye (Medium rare), creamy mash potatoes and some green veg to top it off – even in death, need to keep that protein and vitamins level up!

Describe your perfect weekend

Few polite beers with my group of friends on the Friday, hockey game on the Saturday (a 3-0 win of course), followed by a Futsal game on the Sunday and a lovely home made roast to come home too!

Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?

Luckily I am both…!On a serious level I would always want a balance of both, having people to learn from is always a goal to ensure I never stop learning!

Are you still after that gold statue of yourself in Camberley High Street?

Well I have been asking Nick every year to make it happen but I guess I will keep waiting…

If you have been inspired and would love to join the team, Syntech are always on the lookout for our next great recruiter, could you be our next Zach?

If you fancy a change of career or are looking to move jobs then please get in touch with one of the team. Send your CV & details to natasha@syntechrecruitment.co.uk