Every 8th March IWD celebrates women around the world, but the truth is along with all the positives there is still a lot to do.

At the beginning of this blog I wanted to share some facts, no they are not fun but they are an accurate account of today’s world…

  • 28 girls a minute are being forced to marry against their will (usually under the age of 16)
  • 1 in 3 women will experience violence
  • It will take nearly 140 years to bridge the gender gap – the gender gap has only been worsened by the pandemic, with women facing higher redundancy rates and greater job instability. Data from LinkedIn also showed a decline of women’s hiring into leadership roles, creating a reversal of 1 to 2 years of progress across multiple industries.
  • 72 countries don’t allow women to open a bank account
  • 1 in 10 women have self-harmed because of their body image
  • Women tend to take on three times as much domestic work as men even when working full time (I know this isn’t always the case)​

Women in the Recruitment sector

Now is the time to recognize and celebrate the contributions of women in all fields, women are making significant contributions and driving change in the recruitment sector.

Women haven’t always been influential in the recruitment sector. Women have typically been restricted to administrative and support tasks. But, as the industry has changed, women have assumed more leadership roles and are making significant contributions.

Women are now in charge of some of the world’s best recruitment firms. They are setting the industry’s agenda and driving innovation. Women in the recruitment industry are breaking down barriers and achieving fantastic success.

As a Female in Recruitment

As a woman in recruitment, I feel that recruiters can play an active role in challenging the norm and creating change.

At Syntech Recruitment, our recruiters can challenge and create change by using blind cv screening processes for clients as well as educating clients around unconscious biases. From a candidate perspective our recruiters can ensure an experience that is free from discrimination and unconscious bias. Our recruiters understand that they can create change and help educate clients on their diversity hiring strategies and practices.

We spend time advising companies on how to create a diverse hiring strategy.

To create a diverse hiring strategy, you must have the support from the entire business to recognise this as a top priority. Ensuring hiring managers and recruiters have specialised training around unconscious bias will help with evaluating every cv against the same standards and reviewing the job description to ensure the wording appeals to all.

As a manager and from a female perspective, I think it’s important to give others the tools to make a difference.

Do not be afraid to lean in, make noise, break through barriers, raise your hand, and keep the conversation of female representation and leadership at the forefront of every conversation. Explore what is required to help you rise in the company and focus on defining your skillset. Actively help foster a culture of inclusion and make sure you feel heard while inspiring others to do the same.

Natasha – Operations Manager

Having female recruiters in male-dominated sectors, such as Engineering and Manufacturing, offers a myriad of benefits that stem from the unique perspectives and communication styles women bring to the table. In these industries, where a gender imbalance persists, the inclusion of female recruiters can foster a more diverse and inclusive hiring process. Women often bring a nuanced and empathetic approach, creating a comfortable environment for male candidates to express themselves. Their ability to listen attentively and ask insightful, open-ended questions enables a deeper understanding of candidates’ skills and experiences. This contrasts with a more direct and task-oriented approach often associated with male recruiters. The nuanced and collaborative nature of female recruiters can help break down communication barriers, enhancing the recruitment experience for all candidates and contributing to a more balanced and effective workforce in traditionally male-dominated sectors.

Female recruiters also bring significant advantages when interfacing with clients. Women often excel in building and nurturing relationships, emphasising collaboration and empathy. This relational approach can enhance client engagement and satisfaction, as female recruiters may possess a natural ability to understand and address the specific needs and concerns of clients. Their communication style, characterised by active listening and relationship-building, can foster a more cooperative and supportive working relationship with clients. Moreover, the diverse perspectives that female recruiters bring may contribute to innovative problem-solving and creative solutions, ultimately strengthening the overall client-recruiter partnership. In industries where relationship-building is paramount, the presence of female recruiters can bring a valuable and harmonising dynamic to client interactions, further contributing to the success of the organisation in male-dominated sectors.

Layla Chehab – Associate Recruiter

Why Recruitment Agencies need to both support & challenge clients

Recruiters play an active role in challenging gender norms and promoting equality, and this can only be achieved working closely with you’re clients. By implementing simple strategies, recruiters can actively challenge gender norms and contribute to creating more inclusive and equitable workplaces where all individuals can thrive regardless of gender.

Notwithstanding these obstacles, women in recruitment are contributing significantly and driving change. They set the standard in diversity and inclusion, technology, and the candidate experience. They’re also making progress in areas like talent acquisition and employer branding.

Women are driving change and contributing significantly to the sector. Yet, there is still work to be done in the industry to promote gender equality, wage justice, diversity, and inclusion. We can create a more just and equal future for all by celebrating women’s achievements in recruitment and continuing to be advocates for change.

I would love to know your thoughts on this, from both a male & female perspective.